Observability for your IT Value Stream
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As software is the product in many of today's businesses, the need to manage the value stream from development to production is critical to ensure consistency of information, compliance and supply chain collaboration.In order to consistently deliver high velocity and quality of applications, engineering teams require visibility into how code is moving from dev to prod in a stable and efficient manner. Just as Observability is changing the way teams managing their applications in production, the concepts of observability apply to the entire software value stream.

Join JFrog’s Stephen Chin and Splunk’s Chris Riley as they explore the importance of building resilience into your IT value stream, how to create traceability for the movement of code, and how to ensure high quality with the artifacts you deploy.

In this webinar we will talk about how companies are being deliberate in increasing the scale and velocity of delivering releases, and show a demo leveraging JFrog and Splunk for your end to end solution
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Date: August 26th
Time: 10:30 AM PST
Can't make it? register to receive the recording
Duration: 1 hour
Stephen Chin
Chris Riley
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Presenters Information
Senior Director of Developer Relations, JFrog
Tech Advocate, Splunk

Senior Engineer on Partner engineering

Stephen Chin is Head of Developer Relations at JFrog, member of the CNCF governing board, and author of The Definitive Guide to Modern Client Development, Raspberry Pi with Java, Pro JavaFX Platform, and the upcoming DevOps Tools for Java Developers title from O'Reilly. He has keynoted numerous conferences around the world including Devoxx, JNation, JavaOne, Joker, and Open Source India. Stephen is an avid motorcyclist who has done evangelism tours in Europe, Japan, and Brazil, interviewing hackers in their natural habitat. When he is not traveling, he enjoys teaching kids how to do embedded and robot programming together with his teenage daughter. You can follow his hacking adventures at: http://steveonjava.com/

Chris Riley (@hoardinginfo) is obsessed with bringing modern technologies to those who need to solve real-world problems, going from unicorn to reality.

As a bad-coder-turned-technology-advocate, Chris understands the challenges and needs of modern engineers, as well as how technology fits into the broader business goals of companies in a demanding high-tech world.

Chris speaks and engages with end-users regularly in the areas of DevOps, SecOps, and App Dev. He works for Splunk as a Tech Advocate and is a regular contributor to industry blogs such as ContainerJournal.com, DevOps.com and Sweetcode.io. He is also the host of the podcast, Developers Eating the World.

John Peterson, Senior Engineer on Partner engineering. SRE/DevOps enthusiast with a passion for cloud integrations across all the major cloud service providers and observability platforms to bring/leverage next generation DevOp solutions to the market.