Managing Docker Images

Webinar Description

Managing Docker images from development to production is a challenge for many companies looking to scale. Images full of packages containing layers of different file types creates a needle in a haystack situation when hunting down security vulnerabilities or dependency issues.

On top of worrying about what versions of what images are ready for release, in order to create a streamlined delivery process for Docker images, you also need to incorporate security into your pipeline. In this webinar, we will cover some important topics on why your teams should use Artifactory as your Docker Registry and the many benefits and advantages that come along with it.

The Agenda

  • Requirements of a pattern for Docker Lifecycles
  • Anti-patterns in Docker containers
  • Description of an end-to-end implementation of a Docker container development lifecycle

Presenter Information

Saurav Agrawal

Solution Engineer

Saurav is DevOps Acceleration Engineer at the Sunnyvale Swamp. What’s a DevOps Acceleration Engineer, you ask? Well, he gets to speak to different people about their organization’s DevOps needs and practices, and makes recommendations on how best to optimize and leverage the JFrog Platform specifically for them.
He is a huge fan of and enjoys advocating for automation. He has worked both in the private and public sectors as a Software Developer and has gained experience and insight into different scales and workflows. Within the private sector, he went from a small startup which worked on Software Composition Analysis to a mid-size company working in the same space and then to a large software company developing applications for developers and project management, before finally finding his home at JFrog's Sunnyvale Swamp.
Date:   January 20
Time:   11:00 AM IST
Duration   1 hour
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